The caption Chris sent with this pic says, "have you heard the one about the pirate,the monk and the vampire ... ask Brian" Hmmm .... I guess we'll find out later.
I had also planned Mummy Races where the kids are set up in teams of 2, one armed with a roll of white crepe paper (streamers) and they race to wrap their partner up like a mummy. Well, apparently the kids didn't get it to that too much but they DID get into putting Rick in the middle of them all and useing ALL of the rolls of crepe paper to wrap him up, and wrap him up some more, and then wrap him up some more. They loved doing that and the parents loved watching it. In the end Rick burst out of the wrapping and scared them all.
Did I mention that Donna has been arrested 3 (that's right THREE) times! For those who don't know the story behind that - on our last trip to Grand Isle we slept in Town Hall just outside of the mayor's office. Donna found an ink pen on one of the desks in the office that said, "This pen has been stolen from Town Hall, Grand Isle, Louisiana". So, Donna took her que and took the pen. We teased her .... a lot, about that and jokingly called her our "looter". It seems that this team has let the Grand Isle police in on the joke and they are "arresting" her every time she turns around.
They also had a hayride around the island that was awesome. Everyone got tons of candy, cookies, shrimp po boy sandwiches, cake, and chili with Fritoes.
Tomorrow is another work day .... look for more updates.