Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Last Pics - I think ....
Pastor Chris say's, "were hair today and gone tomorrow". What a funny guy. I almost laughed.

Last group shot with Jay and Shalynn before leaving. They're still smiling and they stil have those silly orange vests on.

I think they plan to leave around 4 AM tomorrow morning (Friday)

Last group shot with Jay and Shalynn before leaving. They're still smiling and they stil have those silly orange vests on.

I think they plan to leave around 4 AM tomorrow morning (Friday)
More Pics
There's not a whole lot to report today - just the same thing they've been doing - picking up stuff. They worked at a playground today where a barge was washed up. Last night they had a wonderful shrimp dinner at Jay Lafont's.
Here are more pics:
Pastor Chris from Ansonia thinking about how to use Winton Rd. antics in his sermon next Sunday

Pastor Chris lifting a railroad tie. Wow, isn't he strong?!?!


Alice, do you need a hand there? Applause everyone!

Debbie, thinking about the Tim pic at Town Hall

Donna found a jacket!! Try it on Donna!
Here are more pics:
Pastor Chris from Ansonia thinking about how to use Winton Rd. antics in his sermon next Sunday

Pastor Chris lifting a railroad tie. Wow, isn't he strong?!?!


Alice, do you need a hand there? Applause everyone!

Debbie, thinking about the Tim pic at Town Hall

Donna found a jacket!! Try it on Donna!

Pictures of Damage
Lunch that is catered in by a group from Houma, Louisiana

The freezer unit that is holding the meat Pierre Foods donated and that we delivered after Katrina hit

Another picture of the group at the firehouse where the meat is being kept

Various pictues of the damage

The freezer unit that is holding the meat Pierre Foods donated and that we delivered after Katrina hit

Another picture of the group at the firehouse where the meat is being kept

Various pictues of the damage

Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Oct. - Nov. Grand Isle Trip Update # 5
It's weird. I was driving home today and had the strangest sensation that something, somewhere was just "not right". I didn't know if it had anything to do with the Grand Isle trip or if it was one of my kids or another family member, or if it was just my wild imagination, but in any case, I prayed, asking God to intervene and provide whatever wisdom and guidance was needed. Brian called about an hour and a half later. I mentioned to him the weird feeling I had experienced and asked if everyone there was OK? He said was a little surprised and said that about an hour and a half ago he had an incident with some men from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) who had come around asking if our crew had steel toed boots, etc. Apparently they had come around yesterday asking questions as well. It could have turned into some trouble I suppose and possibly interfered with the group's mission if they were not allowed to work there. Brian was about to really lose it with the guys but began instead talking to them, asking if they had been involved in 9/11. It turned out that they had done some work in 9/11 and that one of the men had lost some friends on that horrible day. The man began crying as he talked about losing his friends and the horrors he saw in NY that day and in the days following. That gave our team an opportunity to minister to him. God again turned what could have been a troublesome situation into something good. He's amazing like that.
A personal comment from Brian Hitsman:I'm just here trying to help out as much as I can. I'm really humbled when I'm here working with the places that we're cleaning up. Just to see people's personal effects and belongings as we dig through a good foot, two foot of debris. We're cleaning up gazebo areas that are part of the community's area where people can go and just sit there and look at the beach. They have about 10 of them here on the island and we're just cleaning them up.
As we go through the personal effects, there's fishing tackle; I found a tackle that was completely blown up and there were three or four pieces of tackle still inside of it. I thought of the person that actually used that and their livelihood. We found other very personal items. It's just humbling and as I go through this stuff it's almost like I'm going through somebody's house. I'm really looking forward to continuing the work and doing the things God wants us to do while I'm here and that's to help other people.
Here are some more pictures that came in today:
Rick working. Proof!! He says, "hi dear and kids - love you!"

Sophie and Donna working???

Flag flying battered yet proudly symbolizing a broken communitys hope.

Tim and Shalynn (the mayor's secretary) but where's Debbie?? (Debbie was sitting on the floor just below Tim but somehow didn't make it into the picture.)

Jay Lafont, a City Councilman and our contact person there

Baywatch?? Rick and Brain at the beach. I thought they were supposed to be working there??

Brian H. Talking to a lady working for community development. She said our work is key to the economy-because tourists come to Grand Isle for the beaches as well as fishing and water sports. One older woman collected aluminum cans to pay for the gazebos we are working on-she thanked us for the extremely necessary work.
A personal comment from Brian Hitsman:I'm just here trying to help out as much as I can. I'm really humbled when I'm here working with the places that we're cleaning up. Just to see people's personal effects and belongings as we dig through a good foot, two foot of debris. We're cleaning up gazebo areas that are part of the community's area where people can go and just sit there and look at the beach. They have about 10 of them here on the island and we're just cleaning them up.
As we go through the personal effects, there's fishing tackle; I found a tackle that was completely blown up and there were three or four pieces of tackle still inside of it. I thought of the person that actually used that and their livelihood. We found other very personal items. It's just humbling and as I go through this stuff it's almost like I'm going through somebody's house. I'm really looking forward to continuing the work and doing the things God wants us to do while I'm here and that's to help other people.
Here are some more pictures that came in today:
Rick working. Proof!! He says, "hi dear and kids - love you!"

Sophie and Donna working???

Flag flying battered yet proudly symbolizing a broken communitys hope.

Tim and Shalynn (the mayor's secretary) but where's Debbie?? (Debbie was sitting on the floor just below Tim but somehow didn't make it into the picture.)

Jay Lafont, a City Councilman and our contact person there

Baywatch?? Rick and Brain at the beach. I thought they were supposed to be working there??

Brian H. Talking to a lady working for community development. She said our work is key to the economy-because tourists come to Grand Isle for the beaches as well as fishing and water sports. One older woman collected aluminum cans to pay for the gazebos we are working on-she thanked us for the extremely necessary work.

Oct.- Nov. Grand Isle Trip Update # 4??
I've lost count of the updates. :)
As soon as I posted that there were no updates today, Brain called and Chris sent another picutre. They seem to really want these updates and pics posted so that you all can see them. I know from my own experience that it really
feels good to be in contact with "home" when you're away on a mission trip. Feel free to leave comments - they may enjoy reading them when they get home and knowing that we're keeping up with them on a daily basis.
They are all just amazed at the level of destruction that still exists since Katrina hit. And yes, they are all tired, but not too tired for pranks when they get back to the camp.
This morning they drove to the end of the island and saw where some barges with houseboats had been washed up onto the parking lot of some condos. Then they drove to Town Hall for today's assignment. Here is a pic of Brian trying hard to look cool and show off his muscles (cough, cough) by lifting the barge back into the water.
As soon as I posted that there were no updates today, Brain called and Chris sent another picutre. They seem to really want these updates and pics posted so that you all can see them. I know from my own experience that it really

They are all just amazed at the level of destruction that still exists since Katrina hit. And yes, they are all tired, but not too tired for pranks when they get back to the camp.
This morning they drove to the end of the island and saw where some barges with houseboats had been washed up onto the parking lot of some condos. Then they drove to Town Hall for today's assignment. Here is a pic of Brian trying hard to look cool and show off his muscles (cough, cough) by lifting the barge back into the water.
Personal Comments from Crew
Brian didn't call in last night so there' s nothing new to report at this time. I'm assuming that (1) he knew I would be out, and (2) they're all really, really tired. Chris did send another picture of a lady named Theresa who was very grateful for the work the group is doing and invited them to her store for a good dinner.

I also checked at the Fairfield Echo site and found that they have a daily log up there now. I found these comments from the crew posted over there and thought I would put them here as well.
Here are some personal comments from our crew there:
First Impressions upon arriving in Grand Isle
Rick Barnhill, a parishioner from Winton Road Church of God:When we got here last night, it was just a shock of total devastation. Even though it's been a month later, just how much damage is still here and how much debris is around and just devastation. It's just a true shock to see this and we're just glad to be here and help them.
Chris Cottrell, a guest pastor from Ansonia:I think when I came down here when I arrived with the group, I think it started to see the faces with all the destruction that we had seen and heard about and that just adds starts to the story in seeing the pain in their faces and the hope that knowing people are coming to help them. It's a good thing to be doing and we're looking forward to the work. We're going to be working hard and they're going to be working hard and there is a need for more to come. I'm down here with the group to work with them and also possibly see what I might be able to do with another group as well. Maybe even from my church.
Halloween Party Impressions
Debbie Hall, a parishioner from Winton Road Church of God:Tonight was awesome to see these kids, you know, knowing what they've been through and weren't sure if they were going to have any trick or treat or not. It was real neat to see the community come together and do what they did for them.
Donna Hamblin, a parishioner from Winton Road Church of God:I don't know what to say except it's overwhelming here. We've worked really hard today, we've had fun with kids at the party. It's just been a real blessing. We enjoyed every minute of it even though we're so tired we can't hardly stand up.

I also checked at the Fairfield Echo site and found that they have a daily log up there now. I found these comments from the crew posted over there and thought I would put them here as well.
Here are some personal comments from our crew there:
First Impressions upon arriving in Grand Isle
Rick Barnhill, a parishioner from Winton Road Church of God:When we got here last night, it was just a shock of total devastation. Even though it's been a month later, just how much damage is still here and how much debris is around and just devastation. It's just a true shock to see this and we're just glad to be here and help them.
Chris Cottrell, a guest pastor from Ansonia:I think when I came down here when I arrived with the group, I think it started to see the faces with all the destruction that we had seen and heard about and that just adds starts to the story in seeing the pain in their faces and the hope that knowing people are coming to help them. It's a good thing to be doing and we're looking forward to the work. We're going to be working hard and they're going to be working hard and there is a need for more to come. I'm down here with the group to work with them and also possibly see what I might be able to do with another group as well. Maybe even from my church.
Halloween Party Impressions
Debbie Hall, a parishioner from Winton Road Church of God:Tonight was awesome to see these kids, you know, knowing what they've been through and weren't sure if they were going to have any trick or treat or not. It was real neat to see the community come together and do what they did for them.
Donna Hamblin, a parishioner from Winton Road Church of God:I don't know what to say except it's overwhelming here. We've worked really hard today, we've had fun with kids at the party. It's just been a real blessing. We enjoyed every minute of it even though we're so tired we can't hardly stand up.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Much Appreciation Shown
Just got an email from Shalynn, the mayor's secretary and thought I'd share it.
I also talked to John and heard that Sophie told him about a little girl who won one of the prizes playing a game at the Halloween party last night. When she was given her prize she refused it, saying "I can't take that". Someone from our team asked her why she couldn't take it to which she replied, "We didn't lose everything. I'd rather someone who lost everything have it". Awwww.... The appreciation and selflessness I've seen in the people there always amazes me. I hope that I would be as gracious if I had to experience what they have.
As you know, the party was a huge success. I could NOT have done it without all of ya'll help. From the game ideas to the prizes, this celebration was a big hit. I cannot even think how I could show my appreciation to the crew from Ohio. As you know, people may not say it often enough, but I truely thank you guys from the bottom of my heart.My favorite game was the throwing the M.R.E. at the toilet rim. That was an original.Thanks again,Shalynn
I also talked to John and heard that Sophie told him about a little girl who won one of the prizes playing a game at the Halloween party last night. When she was given her prize she refused it, saying "I can't take that". Someone from our team asked her why she couldn't take it to which she replied, "We didn't lose everything. I'd rather someone who lost everything have it". Awwww.... The appreciation and selflessness I've seen in the people there always amazes me. I hope that I would be as gracious if I had to experience what they have.
New Updates to the Post Below (The Halloween Party)
Rather than make a new post about the party I just added some stories and pictures to the post about the halloween party. If you read it before you might want to check it out again.
Monday, October 31, 2005
The Halloween Party

The caption Chris sent with this pic says, "have you heard the one about the pirate,the monk and the vampire ... ask Brian" Hmmm .... I guess we'll find out later.
I had also planned Mummy Races where the kids are set up in teams of 2, one armed with a roll of white crepe paper (streamers) and they race to wrap their partner up like a mummy. Well, apparently the kids didn't get it to that too much but they DID get into putting Rick in the middle of them all and useing ALL of the rolls of crepe paper to wrap him up, and wrap him up some more, and then wrap him up some more. They loved doing that and the parents loved watching it. In the end Rick burst out of the wrapping and scared them all.
Did I mention that Donna has been arrested 3 (that's right THREE) times! For those who don't know the story behind that - on our last trip to Grand Isle we slept in Town Hall just outside of the mayor's office. Donna found an ink pen on one of the desks in the office that said, "This pen has been stolen from Town Hall, Grand Isle, Louisiana". So, Donna took her que and took the pen. We teased her .... a lot, about that and jokingly called her our "looter". It seems that this team has let the Grand Isle police in on the joke and they are "arresting" her every time she turns around.
They also had a hayride around the island that was awesome. Everyone got tons of candy, cookies, shrimp po boy sandwiches, cake, and chili with Fritoes.
Tomorrow is another work day .... look for more updates.

Oct - Nov Grand Isle Trip Update # 3
Here are some pictures from the first day of work in Grand Isle. It looks like there was still a lot of clean up to be done. I can only imagine how it must feel to walk along the beach and find remnants of people's lives. Click on any of the pictures to see a larger version of them.

This was a prayer from a child sent to the Town Hall.

Brian reading a portion of the Wizard of Oz that was found among the rubble. Many personal items were found including someone's wedding pictures, a teddy bear, and a freezer with food in it.

This is a man from Exxon asking our group for help. I'm not sure what kind of help he needed.

This was a prayer from a child sent to the Town Hall.

Brian reading a portion of the Wizard of Oz that was found among the rubble. Many personal items were found including someone's wedding pictures, a teddy bear, and a freezer with food in it.

This is a man from Exxon asking our group for help. I'm not sure what kind of help he needed.
Oct. - Nov. Grand Isle Trip Daily Update # 2

It's Halloween in Grand Isle and apparently, it will be a creepy one since they are staying in the Bates Motel! OK, not really. They are staying in the Sand Dollar Hotel, which is probably pretty nice since Grand Isle is known as the Cajun Bahamas and is, under normal circumstances, a beautiful vacation spot.
BUT, Brain being what he is, put up an electric sign that reads "Bates Motel" just to add some fun?? to the trip. (someone emailed me the pic I've posted here)
Halloween is also known as All Saints Day. In Grand Isle they are a bit concerned because typically on All Saints Day the priest will go around and bless the graves BUT when Katrina hit many of the graves were opened and many coffins are now missing - no joke! That would definately make for a creeeeepy Halloween.
Today they work at the community center and then will have the Halloween party for the children on Grand Isle this evening. Brian is supposed to call with an update after the party so check back later for more ....
And here's one last pic they sent. Cute ain't he??

Sunday, October 30, 2005
Oct. - Nov. Grand Isle Trip Daily Updates # 1
I will attempt to post an update daily or at least as often as I hear from Brian so that you can keep up to date with what's going on with the relief team and their efforts there.
All 9 of them got off safely and without incident last night. As they posed for a team pic someone said they looked like they were ready to take off on Apollo 13 or something. And they did! Those orange vests .... I dunno.
This morning (Sunday, Oct. 30th) Brian called at 7:40 to say that they were making good time. They were in Meridian, MS at a Cracker Barrel and were enjoying a good breakfast. They plan to go to Sunday School at the Northpark Church of God (that is where the first and second relief effort was) and to visit briefly with Pastor Earl Wheatley. It must bless the people there to physically see a group from Ohio (or anywhere) coming back on such a regular basis. This will be the third time in MS since Katrina hit although there is no direct relief effort in Meridian this time, just seeing the team back again and knowing that they have not been forgotten will be an encouragement I'm sure.
All 9 of them got off safely and without incident last night. As they posed for a team pic someone said they looked like they were ready to take off on Apollo 13 or something. And they did! Those orange vests .... I dunno.
This morning (Sunday, Oct. 30th) Brian called at 7:40 to say that they were making good time. They were in Meridian, MS at a Cracker Barrel and were enjoying a good breakfast. They plan to go to Sunday School at the Northpark Church of God (that is where the first and second relief effort was) and to visit briefly with Pastor Earl Wheatley. It must bless the people there to physically see a group from Ohio (or anywhere) coming back on such a regular basis. This will be the third time in MS since Katrina hit although there is no direct relief effort in Meridian this time, just seeing the team back again and knowing that they have not been forgotten will be an encouragement I'm sure.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Back to Grand Isle
Well, when I started this blog it's purpose was simply to share the story and some pictures of our trip. I thought it would be a very temporary blog, but it seems the adventure continues ....
We'll be going back to Grand Isle soon! After being devestated by Katrina, Rita came and dumped another 2 feet of water and mud over the island. In early November a group of up to 12 people (first come, first serve) will be heading back to Grand Isle to assist in clean up and do whatever work we find to do there. You can sign up for the trip beginning this Sunday, Oct. 3rd.
The Trip Itinerary looks like this:
Departing WRCOG 9:00 AM, Saturday, Oct. 29
Arriving Grand Isle 5:00PM Sunday, Oct. 30
Work days - Monday, Tues, Wednesday, Thursday
Departing Grand Isle 4:00 AM Friday, Nov. 4
Arriving WRCOG 11:00 PM Friday, Nov. 4
The Mission:
To serve and share Jesus through light duty clean-up work in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Qualities Needed in Volunteers:
Adult women and men with valid driver's slicense, good driving record, flexibility, courage, endurance, strength of heart, a testimony, ability to pack everything you need in one small (carry-on) suitcase and a willingness not to whine when yo'ure hot, tired and uncomfortable - or when things go wrong or when God changes our plans.
It is an exclusive privilege for our group to be welcomed back by the public officials. Expect to live and work in real-time Hurricane survival/emergency situation conditions. Don't expect electricity, running water, A/C, or flushable toilets (ask John L. of Hamilton, OH). We will sleep under roof, but on a floor, eat Red Cross food, drive long hours and work long days - a week of sacrifice to ehlp those who've lost so much!
To Be Included on the Volunteer List Do These Things:
Pray. Talke with the Lord. LIsten to Him. Seek His will regarding your participation. Everything about this journey will be God-directed.
Time Off. Talk with your employer and family. Be sure you can get the time away before you make a commitment to go.
Driving Record. Our church requires drivers of it's vans to submit a BMV driving record statement. If you don't already have one on file with Steve Morgan, please talk with Steve or call your local BMV for more information on obtaining a recored. We must have this on file before you can be included to go.
Emergency Authorization Form
*** Remember - First come, first serve. Spots on the team will not be "held". The firs 12 who do and turn in the thigns above will go.
What to Pack
Only what is absolutely necessary.
Everything must fint in one small airline size "carry-on" luggage bag. Included in the bag whoudl be 2 rolls of toilet paper and 2 small emergency meals that require no refrigeration or cooking - ready-to-eat, wilderness style - just in case the Red Cross meals fall through.
Also pack:
A small pillow and sleeping bag
A flashlight
Between meal snack (no cooler chests)
Food money
A camera
Work gloves and appropriate owrk clothing, shoes, etc.
Emergency grocery money
Small Bible
Insect repellant, sunscreen
A willingness to do anything we may be asked or required to do.
We'll be going back to Grand Isle soon! After being devestated by Katrina, Rita came and dumped another 2 feet of water and mud over the island. In early November a group of up to 12 people (first come, first serve) will be heading back to Grand Isle to assist in clean up and do whatever work we find to do there. You can sign up for the trip beginning this Sunday, Oct. 3rd.
The Trip Itinerary looks like this:
Departing WRCOG 9:00 AM, Saturday, Oct. 29
Arriving Grand Isle 5:00PM Sunday, Oct. 30
Work days - Monday, Tues, Wednesday, Thursday
Departing Grand Isle 4:00 AM Friday, Nov. 4
Arriving WRCOG 11:00 PM Friday, Nov. 4
The Mission:
To serve and share Jesus through light duty clean-up work in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Qualities Needed in Volunteers:
Adult women and men with valid driver's slicense, good driving record, flexibility, courage, endurance, strength of heart, a testimony, ability to pack everything you need in one small (carry-on) suitcase and a willingness not to whine when yo'ure hot, tired and uncomfortable - or when things go wrong or when God changes our plans.
It is an exclusive privilege for our group to be welcomed back by the public officials. Expect to live and work in real-time Hurricane survival/emergency situation conditions. Don't expect electricity, running water, A/C, or flushable toilets (ask John L. of Hamilton, OH). We will sleep under roof, but on a floor, eat Red Cross food, drive long hours and work long days - a week of sacrifice to ehlp those who've lost so much!
To Be Included on the Volunteer List Do These Things:
Pray. Talke with the Lord. LIsten to Him. Seek His will regarding your participation. Everything about this journey will be God-directed.
Time Off. Talk with your employer and family. Be sure you can get the time away before you make a commitment to go.
Driving Record. Our church requires drivers of it's vans to submit a BMV driving record statement. If you don't already have one on file with Steve Morgan, please talk with Steve or call your local BMV for more information on obtaining a recored. We must have this on file before you can be included to go.
Emergency Authorization Form
*** Remember - First come, first serve. Spots on the team will not be "held". The firs 12 who do and turn in the thigns above will go.
What to Pack
Only what is absolutely necessary.
Everything must fint in one small airline size "carry-on" luggage bag. Included in the bag whoudl be 2 rolls of toilet paper and 2 small emergency meals that require no refrigeration or cooking - ready-to-eat, wilderness style - just in case the Red Cross meals fall through.
Also pack:
A small pillow and sleeping bag
A flashlight
Between meal snack (no cooler chests)
Food money
A camera
Work gloves and appropriate owrk clothing, shoes, etc.
Emergency grocery money
Small Bible
Insect repellant, sunscreen
A willingness to do anything we may be asked or required to do.
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