Well, when I started this blog it's purpose was simply to share the story and some pictures of our trip. I thought it would be a very temporary blog, but it seems the adventure continues ....
We'll be going back to Grand Isle soon! After being devestated by Katrina, Rita came and dumped another 2 feet of water and mud over the island. In early November a group of up to 12 people (first come, first serve) will be heading back to Grand Isle to assist in clean up and do whatever work we find to do there. You can sign up for the trip beginning this Sunday, Oct. 3rd.
The Trip Itinerary looks like this:
Departing WRCOG 9:00 AM, Saturday, Oct. 29
Arriving Grand Isle 5:00PM Sunday, Oct. 30
Work days - Monday, Tues, Wednesday, Thursday
Departing Grand Isle 4:00 AM Friday, Nov. 4
Arriving WRCOG 11:00 PM Friday, Nov. 4
The Mission:
To serve and share Jesus through light duty clean-up work in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Qualities Needed in Volunteers:
Adult women and men with valid driver's slicense, good driving record, flexibility, courage, endurance, strength of heart, a testimony, ability to pack everything you need in one small (carry-on) suitcase and a willingness not to whine when yo'ure hot, tired and uncomfortable - or when things go wrong or when God changes our plans.
It is an exclusive privilege for our group to be welcomed back by the public officials. Expect to live and work in real-time Hurricane survival/emergency situation conditions. Don't expect electricity, running water, A/C, or flushable toilets (ask John L. of Hamilton, OH). We will sleep under roof, but on a floor, eat Red Cross food, drive long hours and work long days - a week of sacrifice to ehlp those who've lost so much!
To Be Included on the Volunteer List Do These Things:
Pray. Talke with the Lord. LIsten to Him. Seek His will regarding your participation. Everything about this journey will be God-directed.
Time Off. Talk with your employer and family. Be sure you can get the time away before you make a commitment to go.
Driving Record. Our church requires drivers of it's vans to submit a BMV driving record statement. If you don't already have one on file with Steve Morgan, please talk with Steve or call your local BMV for more information on obtaining a recored. We must have this on file before you can be included to go.
Emergency Authorization Form
*** Remember - First come, first serve. Spots on the team will not be "held". The firs 12 who do and turn in the thigns above will go.
What to Pack
Only what is absolutely necessary.
Everything must fint in one small airline size "carry-on" luggage bag. Included in the bag whoudl be 2 rolls of toilet paper and 2 small emergency meals that require no refrigeration or cooking - ready-to-eat, wilderness style - just in case the Red Cross meals fall through.
Also pack:
A small pillow and sleeping bag
A flashlight
Between meal snack (no cooler chests)
Food money
A camera
Work gloves and appropriate owrk clothing, shoes, etc.
Emergency grocery money
Small Bible
Insect repellant, sunscreen
A willingness to do anything we may be asked or required to do.
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