Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Oct.- Nov. Grand Isle Trip Update # 4??

I've lost count of the updates. :)

As soon as I posted that there were no updates today, Brain called and Chris sent another picutre. They seem to really want these updates and pics posted so that you all can see them. I know from my own experience that it really feels good to be in contact with "home" when you're away on a mission trip. Feel free to leave comments - they may enjoy reading them when they get home and knowing that we're keeping up with them on a daily basis.

They are all just amazed at the level of destruction that still exists since Katrina hit. And yes, they are all tired, but not too tired for pranks when they get back to the camp.

This morning they drove to the end of the island and saw where some barges with houseboats had been washed up onto the parking lot of some condos. Then they drove to Town Hall for today's assignment. Here is a pic of Brian trying hard to look cool and show off his muscles (cough, cough) by lifting the barge back into the water.

1 comment:

Lloyd said...

Exciting to see your church in mission! Your blog is referenced at CHOG Blog, a Church of God blog: